Thursday, January 27, 2011

The show must go on...

The last two weeks have been spent on and off the show grounds.I must first acknowledge how nice the shows are that Gold Coast and Wellington Classic Dressage put on. The facility is usually very well maintained, and it always seems to run pretty smoothly. Monica, Ann, and Missy are so easy to work with, they make things so much easier. It is really a blessing to have such a wonderful show staff so close to home.

So the last two weekends, I showed my youngster training level and took Rosi to school. It was so nice everyone that came up to see Rosi and to say hello, recognizing her by her big bunny ears. It was a pretty amazing feeling to be back on her back at a show, even though I have to hold my breath every time I rider her. I have to say this past weekend was quite a large show, and it was very hard steering in the warm up ring on a veteran show horse. It was impossible to steer on the young one. Brakes are iffy and often times a right or left rutter will stop working. It is very intimidating for me to ride with so many people, I can't imagine how intimidating it must be for someone who hasn't ridden in that chaos on a daily basis.

How do you teach someone to ride confidently is a sea of people and horses who's steering is questionable at best? Is there even a way to teach someone, or is it a honed skill that builds overtime with experience? Can you really teach someone to be confident in general? I think that having confidence is a skill, that just like anything else can be learned and honed but is also perishable if not put to use overtime. Having someone to follow who acts as they preach is also important in understanding how to create confidence in yourself. Getting back in the competition ring has been a real showing of how much confidence I lost in myself and my riding. Even though I lost my training level class on my wild man with a 55%, I gained so much confidence that I can ride him and not get upset in just about any situation. It showed me, yes it's scary, but if you've done your homework and have a good support system, in the end everything will be fine. Now it's time to get back to work and believe in myself and my horses. As Conrad would say, "I will!!"

Congrats to all of those who showed this weekend, win or lose. Be proud, because there are many people who never get the guts to do that much.

And my final words, Eleanor Roosevelt said, "the future belongs to those who believe in their dreams." so believe in your dreams and go forth with confidence that you will succeed in whatever you do.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Horses, horses, horses

Ahhh, the season begins. I am quickly reminded how busy little 'ole Wellington gets from the end of December to April. For a couple of months it is much like being back in the 904 area code (Jacksonville). A bit smaller, but still international and traffic that makes you want to gag every time you venture out. Still, it's worth it and quite fortunate that things are located fairly close to each other around here.

On another note, I was thinking today of all of the traits that make up a good rider, confidence, patience, poise, strength, and passion. Of course these are only a few, but some very important ones. We all slip up from time to time, but in general we all strive to be fair and accepting when it comes to our horses. Riding young horses is so new to me. Although a wonderful experience, it is incredibly intimidating, frustrating, and sometimes dangerous. I am lucky to have such an experienced coach! Seriously though, sometimes they can really get the better of you and me too! I really have to keep reminding myself it will be worth it in a week, a month, a year, wear my helmet, and hunker down until the twister passes. My little Abby has changed so much in year it amazes me,he is still often difficult and always testing me. But sometimes, because he has changed so much, I find myself always wanting more. Not good, but normal.

I think everybody gets that idea, when things are going good to keep pushing. It's the good rider who knows when to stop, before the breaking point is reached. I have had to relearn this over the past few months. We are both learning and changing daily. Is that what makes young horses so rewarding in the end? I will let you know when I get there.... ;-)

Off the topic, but interesting nonetheless,On Wednesday at player club, there will be a benefit for the leukemia and lymphoma association. It's a $35 fee at the door and loads of fun. Come out, have some drinks, and enjoy the festivities. It's for a great cause! Contact me if you have any questions.

Ok everybody, my words to live for today are simple. "Make yourself proud."

Have a great weekend, and congrats to those showing this weekend!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


2011 is a fresh year and a fresh start for everyone. 2010 was not exactly the best of times but not the worst of times either. Even though I have been out of the show ring and under the radar, I have learned a lot. Werner is not much of a yeller so that helps, I know you can't believe it, but I am not always the easiest student. We all have our moments.

So I am starting my 2011 with my first show since the incredible year of 2009. I showed my 5 year old in training level, his first show ever. It was way to much fun, and I realized I really have to do this more often.

2009 changed my life forever in a million different ways, good and bad.I met Werner who is now my coach, trainer, business partner, and most importantly my fiancé. YES, we are engaged for those of you who didn't know! The second thing that happened was NAYRC, the gold medal was wonderful, but the friendships made a long the way have really changed my life. I also bought a youngster named Abracadabra or "the magic man!" Lastly, Rosi got hurt.

For those of you who don't know, Rosi or "Rose Noir 2" has been injured before. Not just injured but it was possible after six months of owning her she would become a pasture ornament, lawn mower, or perhaps a broodmare. As you can imagine none of these options were acceptable to me. She was going to get better if I had to sow her tendons back together. It
took me a while but I got it done. After all of this you can imagine the disappointment when the vet looked at me and said two options: surgery or tildren + shockwave, and neither may
work. Once again after a year my little Rosita is back in action and ready to have some fun!

So after a year of ups and downs, roller coaster rides, Blood, sweat, and tears, and moments of questioning everything I stand for, I'm back and I'm ready.

"live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is"
-Mary anne radmacher

Words to live by for 2011 and years to come!